DADT and Call Me Liberal One More Time!

the long-ass version

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)

World War II War Department addressing segregation within the military:
The policy of the war department is not to intermingle colored and white enlisted personnel in the same regimental organizations. This policy has proved satisfactory over a long period of years and to make changes now would be destructive to morale.

Now, skip to 2010… don’t those words from 1944 above sound AWFULLY like words spoken today about having gays serve openly in military in THIS country?? It seems other countries don’t have a problem with gays in their military. But U.S. is Number 1 in fear-mongering and hate propaganda while boasting that we are a free democratic society that other countries envy. With our current policy, which other countries envy us? Iran? Iraq? Afghanistan? North Korea? Or our equally repressive bankers: Saudi Arabia or China? I think our bankers just care that we don’t miss a payment.

Our coalition forces fighting along side us in both Iraq and Afghanistan have gays openly serving in THEIR military. So are we trying to make progressive countries of our coalition forces envious of our fear-mongering of the same people treated with respect in their country??

Related: Opinions critical to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” review

Call Me Liberal One More Time!!

First, it’s interesting that hatriots on twitter are quick to throw out the Nazi-like cry “liberal” when you don’t agree with their behavior towards others. Apparently, LOUD, rude, publicly discriminating, insulting, ignorant of facts, demeaning, finger-pointing with errors, and insistent labeling of something diverse as negative are all now part of the new definition of “conservative”. Yup, preserve that good ‘ol hatred which failed so well!

But if liberal means I’m opposite of the hatriot patrol, I’ll HAPPILY accept the label! Because if liberal-label means I’m not rounding up folks to put then in a convenient and stifling hatriot box, THEN CALL ME LIBERAL ONE MORE TIME PLEASE! And thank you very friggin’ much!

Funny, when I think of conservative, I think of persons like Colin Powell, Laura W. Bush and even Abraham Lincoln. Thus, when I see the loud, imposing rage on the far right and with audacity to use “conservative” label in their profile, I have to laugh. I actually had to look up the dictionary term for the words “conservative” and “christian”, then looked up the political meaning because, so far, neither person proudly using “conservative” or “conservative christian” label in their profile exhibited either definition or would explain their meaning directly. I don’t want to assume, I want to know.

Definition of Christian, so the confusion and hypocrisy is clear:

1. of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: a Christian faith.

2. of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

3. of or pertaining to Christians: many Christian deaths in the Crusades.

4. exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike: She displayed true Christian charity.

5. decent; respectable: They gave him a good Christian burial.

6. human; not brutal; humane: Such behavior isn’t Christian. [see’s tweets. He’s the Hatriot Leader.]

7. a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity.

8. a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ: He died like a true Christian.

9. a member of any of certain Protestant churches, as the Disciples of Christ and the Plymouth Brethren.

10. the hero of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.

11. a male given name.

Does the above definition resemble a member of today’s GOP, a hatriot or member of a hate-based group to you?? Maybe #11 would be applicable.

Definition of conservative:

1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.

3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.

4. of or pertaining to the Conservative party.

5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.

6. having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative.

7. Mathematics (of a vector or vector function) having curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar.

8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.

9. a supporter of conservative political policies.

10. a member of a conservative political party, esp. the Conservative party in Great Britain [which differs greatly from U.S. conservative party!!].

11. a preservative.

#1 above sure sounds like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh: to preserve EPIC FAILURES on each and every level and limit change of those failures. Their plan: let’s stay in the stone ages and follow one idiotic person who feels we should all follow ONE lifestyle and political choice instead of working TOGETHER across personal and political beliefs to build a stronger nation which benefits us wholy, instead of creating an US against OUR OWN mentality. (See President Obama’s administration which resembles the makeup of our country instead of Sons of Confederate Veterans or Daughters of the Confederacy)

We are not at war with our own country. But Palin, Beck & Limbaugh have certainly declared war on our own citizens as if they were the FOUNDERS and deciders of OUR nation, something all of them combined have limited and distorted knowledge about. And ALL three of them are Jim Crow immigrants, their ancestry is not anywhere linked to the slave trade “founding fathers”.

But #2 neither Palin, Beck or Limbaugh are NOT, nothing moderate or cautious about either.

Funny thing is after looking up definitions, neither description stated they were REQUIRED or PREFERRED lifestyles, but both are “choices” or options. And neither are listed as REQUIREMENTS in our Constitution which the same persons proudly using label(s) are so quick to throw out to justify their “label, divide and conquer 24/7” goal. Their choice of lifestyle is a FREE WILL option but choices for other lifestyles (political party, sexual preference and more) are not, and some choices are even outlawed for their happiness no matter how miserable it makes other persons or affects other persons’ liberty and pursuit of happiness. Ironically, if any of their “perceived” rights are outlawed or “tampered with”, all hell breaks loose (see any 2nd Amendment gripes).

The liberal cries towards me not only make me laugh, but further confirm hatriots like to keep their hate simple: label everyone falsely and in masses to prevent gathering of facts (because intelligence, get to know, and humanity is required – too much work).

But here are other shocking funnies:

1. I’m catholic, which is one of the more conservative religions, but mostly in name only as there’s always a loophole around “guidelines” such as remarrying after divorce, abortion, and apparently even child rape and abuse given sex abuse scandal!

And I’m not just a catholic by name, but a regular attendee. I don’t attend church regularly because I want a person to tell me what to think or say. I don’t attend to socialize and find a buddy who thinks JUST LIKE ME. I attend for readings of Gospels (focus), communion and to remind me of Christ and God. My priest doesn’t preach ANYTHING about “we must not associate with these types of people” or discuss which sin is THE sin. We all sin and ALL fall short of God and Christ’s perfection. We ask for forgiveness and start service by confessing we have NOT been perfect, and try to humble ourselves before God AND Christ – NOT MAN! Man is ALWAYS fallible. The sooner people realize that, the sooner people would stop making MAN a church or person to worship, which has been the downfall of many politicians, groups or even cults (Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs, and the like). And I don’t lump all priests into the sex abuse scandal. That would be no different than hatriots or hate-based groups grouping people into one category. There are bad people in every profession!

2. I’m a Republican at heart but had to leave my party because confederates have now infected the GOP beyond repair, thus the disconnect and all the hatriots embarrassing the party beyond recognition. William Seward is turning in his grave!

I believe in the original, diverse and progressive Republican party. The biggest change in the past 40-years: parties have switched sides. “Republicans but don’t know it yet” are now Democrats, and the new GOP is comprised of Jim Crow benefactors who switched parties after passage of Voting and Civil Rights Act and their descendants who don’t even know why they’re Republican but just that they are to say NO to everything after exploiting the hell out of our country and crippling our country with stifling hatred while holding onto pride in heritage from THEIR original country while denying rights to others.

3. I would never have an abortion, but that’s MY choice. [Correction: I would if the child’s life was at severe health risk before or after birth, or both our lives were at risk during pregnancy. However, if both lives at risk, I’d rather the child lives instead of me, as I’ve lived long enough on this earth and I know many that would give the child a better life than my own. And DEFINITELY I would have an abortion if I was raped and impregnated. Unlike Todd Akin and many GOP members: RAPE isn’t a beautiful thing EVEN if a child is conceived!! I’m not having my rapist’s baby NOR going through a “parental rights” process with a rapist!!]

I’m not God for others, especially a woman who has been raped or whose life is at risk. God is better at being God. I’m not the DECIDER for someone else’s heart or body, or their choices which should be allowed. Accepting responsibility for my own actions is a full-time job.

People who have time to pre-worry about choices of others they have never met, nor would care about in general, clearly are blessed with plenty of time and assets and all their personal affairs are in perfect order, as in they’re ready to die, because ALL is taken care of. No last minute bucket-list items. Just time to sit on their high-horse and wait for their memorable, “please make it Pay-Per-View” meeting with God.

And for those so passionate about abortion or call themselves “pro-life”, I hope they’re regularly donating to foster care centers (or visiting Darfur where genocide is in progress). But please leave the child alone as there would be less problems with controlling freaks (like Scott Roeder) adopting a child who’s already been abused, mistreated or neglected. Just send money to make sure the non-aborted child in a foster home has EVERYTHING he or she needs.

4. I don’t hate guns or want to ban them, EXCEPT FOR ASSAULT RIFLES FOR PERSONAL USE. I actually grew up with guns. BUT NOT EVERYONE HAS TO FEEL THE SAME WAY, or grew up in a hunting state. And not everyone understands responsible gun ownership.

Our license plates in Louisiana: Sportsman’s Paradise. In many remote areas, hunting and fishing was the ONLY way to eat.

As an adult at age 21, I purchased my first gun; it was a choice for safety as a single woman. I walked right into a local gun store and purchased the cutest gun (ok, you know women and shopping, give us colors and options, and it could be a week-long event!). I didn’t brag that I had it, or show it off (like this proud hatriot does: – ridiculous!). I simply put it in a safe place where only I knew where it was and where it was within easy reach. My gun was a sense of HOME security, even if false security, because nothing would stop a serial killer or a shooter on the street unless you know firsthand about the attack and were well-armed to prevent it.

Ironically, a few months after purchasing gun, I sold it back to gun store after mentally disabled sister moved in, and NEVER saw need to purchase another one again. THAT was the safety issue: keeping a gun in same home with someone who shouldn’t have access to any — THIS is what NRA and its lemmings can’t understand!!

5. I don’t sleep around, but know many who do – no I cannot give you the hookup! I don’t judge them because it’s THEIR life, not mine. I don’t think teens should be screwing around like Bristol Palin (there was zero love involved as evident by the immediate bickering after McCain/Palin lost), it was just sex and both she and Levi Johnston were busted globally). I don’t think teen girls should be promoted to dress like hookers in training especially because this invites avoidable problems, plus loss of childhood. But there isn’t anything I can do about it, it’s their choice and I’m not their parent.

I don’t make friends based upon their lifestyle, but I do avoid people with hateful lifestyles because it means they’re miserable with unresolved issues and self-hate. I was also never taught to hate others, in spite of my own mother and other family members (black or white) experiencing horrific conditions during Jim Crow AS TAXPAYERS, BUSINESS OWNERS and HOMEOWNERS.

My closest friends are black, white (Jewish, German, Dutch, Italian, British, Polish, Russian), Native American, Asian, Spanish and Persian. They’re straight, gay, married, single, divorced, with and without kids. Although I’ve never met anyone gay within my own family, I’m sure one exists or we’d be the very first family ever. They’re all unique people who don’t spend their time promoting hatred against others or imposing their way of life onto others. They simply live and enjoy life and have a great deal of compassion for others around them, including people they don’t even know. All also WORK with a diverse group of people, people they’re not concerned about the personal lifestyles of because none of that matters to get a job done.

For a while, I never thought about gay marriage or gay lifestyles, even though a long-time close friend is gay. I just saw a person with integrity, intelligence and the humor I needed at the right times who lived a life of HIS choice. The things we discussed had nothing to do with his lifestyle, but about life in general, the same things everyone else talks about.

Ironically, many years ago, it angered me when protests began with “our gay rights struggle is just like the black civil rights struggle”. My first thought was “wait, when I walk into a room, it’s clear I’m black, you have the option of not letting anyone know you are or aren’t gay.” I didn’t know my soon to be best friend was gay, I didn’t ask and when I found out, I didn’t care because he was the same person I met who goes home to his family at the end of the day.

I also don’t walk into a room and say, I’m heterosexual. But for persons openly or clearly gay, I saw employment discrimination – person, although qualified, was called too gay for a visible position which was stated by one manager who would ironically move on to defraud one company after another. Ironically, the same “too something” comment was stated by several white managers about non-white employees or physically disabled which outraged me as well. Physically disabled (person was in wheelchair) for a software engineering desk job, and the building by California law had to be handicap-equipped in all areas??!! And same person discriminated against worked previously in same role for Apple which didn’t discriminate.

I also remember a co-worker at Palm Computing placing his gay pride flag on his desk along side his doll of Pee Wee Herman with the doll’s hand conveniently placed into its crotch, and he had just been hired. I didn’t care. Being from New Orleans, I’ve seen a lot more openness than that during Mardi Gras, but that was a job first. I didn’t stage a protest, and neither did anyone else.

Then I wondered, what would happen if I placed a poster of Dr. King, Medgar Evers or Malcolm X onto my office wall? I knew someone would have complained without knowing factual details about either, especially the creep who always popped in to ask me something stereotyped about blacks using his “Ebonics” voice, which was supposed to make me feel comfortable but made me cringe especially since I didn’t speak Ebonics! I always received the “Negro Files” questions or comments which would go in one ear and out the other. Working directly with a Ku Klux Klansman as a teen, I learned stereotyped nonsense can only be undone by unlearning, and if person is not willing to listen, F ’em and move on to greener pastures, more productive time things.

I’m sure someone would have a problem with me using “black” for race, which is often corrected directly in front of me. But this speaks directly to false labeling. My FIRST heritage is Native American, my 2nd heritage is white from 1600s pre-slavery settlers, my 3rd or 4th (if I separate Dutch and British) and so-on less dominant heritage on non-white/non-native side is comprised of African, French and Spanish from forced British-French-Spanish slave trade (1699 until 1865) which outlawed every non-white face and forced many Indians and free Africans against each other while forcing every available “free before you got here” brown face into slavery and more with help from U.S. Congress with not one but TWO fugitive slave acts.

I know little about Africa, France or Spanish countries other than their location. The faces I see in my family: white and brown with strong Native Indian features, and there have been past generation and recent marriages to other nationalities (Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish) which doesn’t make them African-American either.

To place me into an African-American box is somewhat insulting to me. African-American is a positive label for DIRECT descendants of African slaves, but my heritage precedes that label and the label nullifies the existence of my more dominant family which existed long BEFORE slavery and hatriotism. I’d use “Black” or “Other” for “need to know” stats, but people don’t see OTHER first, I’m immediately labeled: African-American without even asking me. Thus, my use of “black”, or “Negro” when joking which is what any brown face prior to mid-1980s would have been labeled anyway, or still is by Confederates.

In the New York City area, the most common question: what country am I from? THIS ONE!!! It’s assumed, especially by whites from Midwest areas and Jamaicans, that all brown faces in the NYC area migrated from another country because only whites lived here first. Somehow my country has become “their” (whites) country and my country didn’t exist until their family migrated here during Jim Crow and fought in a war. Newsflash: white immigrants during Jim Crow and their offspring are not the only persons who have fought for this country! And EVERY nationality fought in World War II or helped in one way or another. Ironically, WWII was not over oil deals gone bad or material possessions, but to stop hatred which ironically is rising quickly again.

I don’t see conservative, liberal, independent, straight or gay labels first. I see hearts first, followed by the actions of a person’s heart. If their thoughts and words are hate-based or non-fact based or their words are inconsistent with their actions, the person is deceptive and/or destructive and, therefore, a waste of my time. And that implies to anyone of any race, religion or lifestyle as I’ve met white, black/African-American, gay, Jewish, Muslim, Asian and Spanish hatriots. Hatriotism knows no one specific race or lifestyle, it needs anyone too lazy to gather facts or someone with insecurities.

Regarding Gays In Our Military and Their Rights…

I never thought about it until after 9/11 which forced many of our military into war for the first time, separating them from their family and loved ones. I’d also randomly discover many great military leaders: Leonard Matlovich, Harvey Milk, Lt. Dan Choi, Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach and a host of other generals and military members from ALL ranks who not only did their job, but did their jobs with grace and dignity which would make anyone proud. And doing their jobs while having to stay in the background and/or keep their personal lives separate from others, while others were allowed to put their entire personal lives on display publicly and professionally (nasty divorces, breakups, affairs, etc.). This reminded me of Tuskegee Airmen who were military officers yet were discriminated against and isolated PUBLICLY within the military. The lives of Tuskegee Airmen officers were separate and UNEQUAL to whites and even considered lesser than lower-ranked military members.

Right now the common complaint about gays in military: allowing them to be honest and openly serve will change the culture. Again, same “change the culture” thing said about non-whites and women in military and at military academies. It’s 2010. While other countries have moved past race and gender, we’re stuck in Flintstones past, dragging our feet with ignorant pride to everything.

What’s ironic is the attitude towards gays in military in U.S. is similar to the ignorance of Iran’s Ahmadinejad: we don’t have gays in my country. He pretends they don’t exist. Now, explain which countries hate our way of life, given our hatriots are STILL dictating this country Jim Crow style, with many of the same CONSERVATIVE values as Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin-Hidin, and all the persons we’re ironically at war with, including Dick Cheney?

The other common word thrown out when discussing opposition to gays serving openly in our military: christianity or christian. Interesting given nothing holy or christian about bombing the shit out of another country or getting bombed by others, and displacing children and uninvolved families in the process. Missiles or bombs (unless racially motivated) don’t hit the non-gay or christian people first – they don’t discriminate as evident by the diversity of deaths on 9/11 and since the start of war.

God gives free will and INFINITE mercy, even to racists. Why can’t people, especially those who have audacity to use Christ’s name, show same mercy and compassion to what God and Christ cherish more than ANYTHING on earth: people?! The only being who feels the need to toss someone NOT useful to them: the devil. You either serve its hateful cause or it has no use for you and seeks to destroy for one reason only – because you’re NOT a part of its plans and goal. Whereas God will always have room and infinite love for each and every person, whether they love God or not, or follow God’s commandments. God even had compassion for Satan which God could easily destroy.

Even if you’re not religious, what gives one group of lifestyle choice the idea that they KNOW what lifestyle is best for everyone? Is that in the U.S. Constitution? If so, WHERE? Show it to me?! Each person is different for a reason. However, I even heard one hatriot say: “see God wants us all to be the same”, while ironically befriending people who want to destroy ANYONE not like them, including @TPO_Hisself. Yeah, so God scattered everyone, changed languages and selected a chosen group (later punished – Deut. 28) to later sit above all others as a GUIDE, not a TO DO?

If you’re going to play the God-card, you know what God wants? The same thing everyone else does: EQUAL RESPECT, love and a little acknowledgment. A simple “thank you” would be a great start! God doesn’t ask for much but GIVES a whole lot in return. God doesn’t approach anyone with a hate-based agenda either. The cast out one does!

Even atheists have more compassion than persons running around calling themselves “conservative” or “christian”. Maybe it’s because atheists spend more time learning (which combats ignorance) than following blindly along with a group that doesn’t even understand know Christ or God while claiming to be of any related religion.

Where Tireless Efforts Are Never Forgotten!

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Where Tireless Efforts Are Never Forgotten!

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