Tag Archives: FBI

Racists have been infiltrating both military and law enforcement

This has been known for decades, especially since GOP and KKK’s David Duke was released from federal prison over 10 years ago. Duke encouraged white supremacist members to join Red Cross, EMTs and law enforcement to ensure only certain persons are helped and others are “disposed of”. The majority of these extremists and terrorists are […]

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HILARIOUS: Colbert & Susan Lucci Turn Petraeus Scandal Into Real Soap Opera

Forget about the cost of war with revenue losing Bush tax cuts OR the actual war, because no one can stop talking about this nonsense: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/16/colbert-susan-lucci-add-drama-to-petraeus-scandal_n_2144600.html http://www.hulu.com/watch/425942 But lemme make sure I understand what happened… Ok I’m confused: John McAfee ran away with Paula Broadwell who slept with Jill Kelley, so Peaches (Petraeus) is hunting […]

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